Massimo an Italian blogger, talk about travel, photography, nature, near and far cultures, looking for their roots and telling their legends.
In a world that invites you to follow, he chooses to go against the flow, facing the world. Don’t expect a blog about Italy.
Trying not to be too serious, His blog is not stuffed with ads and it has a growing audience.
Posts on his website are mostly his own, but sometimes he invites someone to collaborate on some topics that he knows less about.

Massimo is an owner, writer, webmaster, designer and photographer, but first of all, he is a traveller. He travels to explore, to understand, and, of course, to take good pictures.
He takes pictures to remember, but in the meantime to share and to help people to live his and their dreams. He loves new and old places and tries to learn as much as possible about the countries he visits to give context to his photographs and to feed his curiosity.

If he had to choose an “official” definition, this could be a photographer and a traveller. But he loves to consider himself a snoop with a camera.
On this blog, you will be able to see stories and images from the places he’s travelled around the world. You will find common destinations, but also more adventurous places, like the Central African Republic he visited despite the civil war to meet one of the last Pigmy tribes.
Being Italian blogger he loves to write about distant cultures and try to explore their habits going under the surface of stereotypes.
On his blogs, most of the photos are his work, if not there’s usually a credit.
He is proud of his pictures and hopes you’ll enjoy them.

He has entered and at times he has won some photographic competitions. In 2014 he has a moment of glory when one of his photos received an honourable mention at the Oasis Photo Contest, one of the most important international nature photography contests and was the cover of “Oasis” magazine in December 2014.
In the same year and with a similar photograph he also had a mention at the Hipa competition in the United Arab Emirates.
Although he is Italian blogger, He speaks English, French, and of course Italian (as well as some words of Spanish and other languages). This made things easier when travelling through Europe, North America, Central, South America, in most of the countries of central and southern Africa and lately in India, Indonesia and Japan, always with a minimal friendly style and an approach without prejudice.
He is also trying to study Chinese, but it’s the very beginning, and he finds it very hard :-).

In 2012 he also had a volunteer experience in Kimbondo Pediatrics, beyond its name this is also a refuge for orphans and disadvantaged people near Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
He tries to take advantage of his experiences to help some young people in Congo and Uganda: for this purpose, He organizes public exhibitions of the photographs and videos of his travels to raise funds for these projects.
His other passions are running, climbing and skiing.
You can connect with Massimo at the following pages.
Blog Site | massimobasso.com
Instagram | massimobasso
Pinterest | massimobassocom
Facebook | massimobassocom
Linkedin | massimo-basso-com
Twitter | massimobassocom
Flickr | fotobiella
Behance | maxfotup
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* Some of the contents in this blog page are either property of massimobasso.com or reference/excerpt taken from a different internet search result.